Orchard Room 2024 - 2025
Miss Craig
The Orchard classroom is a bright and spacious double room providing our children with opportunities to enhance skills through both child and adult lead activities. Our Orchard room caters for children aged 2-3 years, with qualified staff to help children thrive, to ensure that they are ready for our pre school room. School Education starts here!
Our Orchard room provides children with many opportunities to learn, teaching phonics and maths both in and around the environment to improve the development of a child's communication and language. The room is split up into different areas of continuous provision including: sand and water areas, a creative table, construcition area, painting station, role play areas and so much more! Taywood caters for the needs of all of our children, providing a safe and nurturing environment to help our children develop at every stage. The Orchard room is a caring environment where every activity is considered a learning opportunity through our well designed curriculum.
Children also have the opportunity to access our lovely outdoor provision, improving and expanding their skills. Children are free to run around our large open area; exploring our mud kitchen, pirate ship, bikes and trikes, small world, construction and so much more! Our Forest School also provides children with experiences to bring out their creative side and to critically think when completing activities.There are also opportunities to visit different places such as farms and zoo's as well as walks in our local environment.
All children will be assigned a Key Worker, who will work closely with your child and be responsible for child's basic and emotional needs. The role of a Keyworker is to ensure that your child settles into our setting providing comfort and support when needed. Each child will receive updates using our app with lovely pictures and observations. Parents can also use this app to keep in touch with their child's Keyworker.
2 years - 1:5
3 years - 1:8